so many things!!
1. Did you know that Amazon now has a vinyl store? for those of us (me/stew) that live in small towns without record stores (like Meow or Ditch or Scratch) this is the new answer!! You can check it out target="_blank">here.
2. i/my tattoos/handsome have been featured in the current issue of mixtape zine (#11) in an article on crafting and tattoos. You can buy the issue here. I have a PDF of the article (not the whole zine) and I'm just waiting to hear if I can distribute it. If you REALLY want to read it, email me, and then maybe I'll fwd it on to you when I know.
3. i defended my thesis in two hours. it felt like the most brutal defense in the world, but i passed, and have major revisions from my external which i hope to do next week. i've started taking pre-orders for a copy of the thesis/zine which will be shipped in the new year (first week or two of january). For now you can continue to download it, if you like!, but there will be a zine version you can buy out of my etsy store soon!
4. speaking of etsy, i'm going to update my shop tomorrow. promise. i'm kind of excited! that also means that tomorrow i'll be getting the giveaway up! yay!
must go and make dinner before glee is on at 9p. i have a bunch of new knitting projects to share too (when i get there). xo
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