yesterday we relocated to vancouver island. i kind of can't believe it. we were on the ferry yesterday evening eating dinner (there's such good ferry food now, btw) and had stopped chatting and there was a lull. then i said, "did we just move half way across the province?" stewart looked at me funny and said, "yeeeeaaaaahhhh?" and here we are!
i have no pictures to post of today (though i took alot), but so far port alberni has been super busy. we've moved into my mom's house for the time being (and will be living in the brand new day-light basement suite when it's done in a few weeks!) and have unpacked our uhaul and hung out with the cats, washed laundry, and re-accustomed ourselves to living in a house with cable tv (there's lots of wasted space on cable! boring!). but today we got to hang out with my grandparents, have a semi-run in with the torch (bleck), go swimming at the pool, and i even made everyone okonomiyaki and rotted their gutts. yes!
for the rest of the evening i'm going to craft/knit and get ready for two craft fairs this month!! yay! and while tomorrow will involve more crafting the rest of the week i need to be job hunting and sorting out my laundry! hahaha. i miss pg terribly (i'm sure stewart does too, but we haven't talked about it) but i've been so tired that i can't really feel it yet. soon it will hit me. xo
Glad you made it OK:) It's a long drive. Cross out #22a now:)
So exciting! Good luck on the job hunt and general settling in!
I am so glad you are so mich closer now!
bwah! i miss you!
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