My defense is this Friday morning and I'm almost done my presentation (which I'll put up for reading/download when I get back from PG next week). Below are my chapters, in order, for you to download, read, and get ready to ask me the hard questions.
The actual defense is at UNBC in room 6-205 at 9:30am. They're providing coffee and water, I expect the audience to supply the snacks!! I'm so happy it's almost over! please note: this isn't the full zine copy that was done by hand, but the electronic version. it's missing page #s and the sassy porn images...
Standing in the Way of Control: Me + Third-Wave Feminism (intro)
Get off the internet: Third-wave feminism, techno-culture activism, and cyborg futures
Fuck the pain away: this third waver tackles porn
You make me want to crochet?: third-wave historiography and the DIY crafting movement
Soft shoulders are made for crying, but are these boots made for walking? my first voice and experience of the highway of tears
I want to be the girl with the most cake: epilogue and resource guide
Diandra, I just read your intro, and it's fabulous! I so wish I could be there on Friday to support you and cheer you on, but know I'll be thinking of you!
You are in my heart forever. You are going to do wonderful tomorrow. I need your paypal address so i can send money for a real copy. :)
So, what happened to your thesis defense, Diandra? Well, from the sounds of it, you were excited about it. It just means that you were confident of your thesis. I bet you didn’t need any help with thesis with the work you’ve done. Anyway, I do hope everything went well with your thesis.
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