
"you have the most beautiful face..."

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ive been biting my nails again, stress. and my pinkie finger HURTS. i need to stop. im drinking a luke-warm microwave homemade soy latte. (coffee from the communal work machine, heated and shaken soy milk). im about to read this book called "how to talk with teens abot love, relationships, and s-e-x". yes, for work. god, my finger hurts. i just realized. both the us. and canada right now have "right-wing" leaders in government. where have i been? this is HORRIBLE!! (oooooh, simple plan on the radio! yes guys, i do feel like breaking down, i do feel out of place! the words of my generation!?---->"welcome to my life!")-----my god, i better be the next coupland. gosh.

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