
taking care of [kidneys], everyday

i'm feeling like i should be updating my list soon, you know, get on things i haven't done yet. but, i've got a lot on my plate. as usual. i'm really happy because i finally acquired an airport card for my ibook (circa 1786) and now just need a new battery and we'll be back in business. taking a holiday has been refreshing and i need to buck down and get more work done. i really like being off of wheat and already (2 weeks!!) fit smaller clothing (i bought a size 16 dress today! what?? i've NEVER done that!!). i've tried wheat free gluten free flour, and love it. i've also tried wheat free pizza crusts and well, yum! oooh, and right now i'm eating this soy peanut butter zig zag ice cream and just got a big bite oh peanut butter. pucker. holidays for me are all for eating. eating good food and drinking wine. lots of wine.

okay, so pardon the horrible title, "the guess who" were on the hour the other night and well, i thought it fit. i've had such bad kidneys for the longest time and everyonce in a while my sore kidneys come back and yadda yadda. so i borrowed a holistic healing herbology sort of book and needed somewhere to write down the information... so, if you too have bad kidneys, take notes. (i'm also including herb lists for other "ailments"

Anxiety: Californian Poppy, Chamomile, Misteltoe, Pasque Flower, St. John's Wort, Skullcap, Valerian, Wild Lettuce.

Blood Pressure: Hawthorn, Lime Blossom, Misteltoe, Yarrow

Depression: Damiana, Kola, Oats, Skullcap, Wormwood

Kidney Stones: Bearberry, Corn Silk, Couchgrass, Gravel Root, Hydrangea, Pellitory of the Wall, Stone Root

Ovarian Pain: Pasque Flower, Valerian

Stress: Damiana, Lime Blossom, Mistletoe, St John's Wort, Skullcap

Kidney Astringents: Beth Root, Burr-Marigold, Horsetail, Plantain.

Anti-Lithics (Kidney): Gravel Root, Hydrangea, Parsley Piert, Pellitory of the Wall, Stone Root

>Drink more water to remove toxins from kidney. Also drink a Diuretic (Dandelion Leaf) to further the removal of the retained water.

>good mixture for grainy kidneys: 1 part each of Corn Silk, Gravel Root, Hydrangea, and Stone Root. Boil together for 10 minutes. Drink three times a day until kidneys clear pain.

>apply clay compress.

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