
a refreshing brew to brighten your day.

or evening. i wish i could read the script (kana/kanji) so i could know more about this beer! but anyway, just a quick post, like all. jason is playing great country songs on his geetar. tomorrow i have my demo lessons. new kids! total beginners! fuck!

uh, tuna in my teeth. yummy. and wasabi in my belly. ha ha. anyway, on monday i go to look at places and by the end of next week, move out. yippe. i cant wait to live on my own, and make fun crafty things for my house.

now i just need to find someone to love me, and snuggle, and keep me warm into the cold winter nights in my tiny tiny town. its so cold and dry here that my skin is cracking like crazy and i busted my budget spending 500yen on hand cream ($5, not bad).

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