
#14: Finish my Birthday Sweater

birthday sweater!
Birthday Sweater!
Sorry for the Terrible PHOTOS! yuck. instagram + tonal sweater + dark house = awful pics. it's cozy and its perfectly only one thing pisses me off, but it was in the last 10 inches on the arm so no way I was ripping back. this one has been on the needles for like 8 months! thank heavens it's over (and i can cross it off my list). XO


laura said...

beautiful. look at all that reverse stockinette. enough to make me want to kill myself. nice yarn keeps it moving. way to go! love

Mountain Girl said...

gorgeous sweater girl! wear that one proudly!

Cyprienne said...

Those cables are making me c.r.a.z.y in the best possible way -- well done!

Eden Oliver said...

Beautiful! I love all the textures (haha, can you tell I'm not a knitter?).