
my top 10 albums of the 2000s

So, a few people, including Pitchfork and all the rock mags in the world have done a best of 2000s list. Some have hundreds of albums, some are not restricted by number, but here are my top 10. I thought keeping it a short list would be easier to manage and leave lots of room for wondering, what was better? regardless, these 10, for me, are the shit of the 2000s. now, i'm not sure if i would readily put them on (I mean, I did play give up to death!!) but they marked times in my life! and made this decade better. they're not in order. (and in the manner from bryndis, they've got youtube videos attached for fun).

-robyn - robyn
-postal service - give up
-cut copy - bright like neon love
-death from above 1979 - you're a woman i'm a machine
-tegan and sara - so jealous
-julie doiron - goodnight nobody
-the blow - paper television
-mirah - you think it's like this, but really it's like this
-the organ - grab that gun
-the gossip - standing in the way of control

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