
going all the way this time

Being at rollercon meant seeing my derby heroes and also see some new skaters that i've heard the names of, but never really got to watch skate. The world of roller derby amazes me because of all the beautiful, strong, honest, genuine ladies.
Hands down Demanda Riot is my new love who falls right in with ReAnimateHer and Beretta Lynch.

Rollercon was great for the learnings and some take aways I have are quite summed up in this nice post from someone else. ahaha.

Here's a list of shit I learned:
  • Skate backwards and push your fellow blockers where you need them
  • Use your whole body to hit and make contact all the time. Touch two people with your body not just your hands
  • Backwards wall at the front
  • Goal: play defensively when you need to and be offensive to break up defensive walls to make holes for yr jammer. Stay together. Find yr zen. Reduce the chaos.
  • Play with the men for mental and physical endurance

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