
"i never noticed, you're so amazing, fucking amazing!"

im wearing a hoodie! im hot, sticky, and really tired, but im wearing a hoodie! yay for the onslaught of hoodie season! what? i think i have a boyfriend. im not sure, in all honesty, if he IS my boyfriend or not. and its so not one night stand man, chotto embarrassing, but rather a cute mid twenties, style queen. gaaaaa! last night i went and sang karaoke for 3.5 hours, didnt pay a thing (im so not used to that!!), and didnt get to sleep until almost 3am! ii ne!

so, ive been thinking. i really love japan. and its true. i am so at peace here. its silly. and that i dont want to leave. but as i told my mom last night (oh gracious mom who i can pretty much tell anything and is all over everything in my life and i love it!!!) i think i have to be in vancouver for a while, somewhere that's not japan for a while, and live and attempt to figure out if i am really supposed to be here for the long haul. or if its just that japan has made me the person ive always wanted to be. i think it would be a lot easier if i didnt have a psuedo boyfriend who i would marry in a heart beat. who i want to move to canada. someone to teach me japanese. we can open a used-shop on the beach and listen to reggae. and drink grapefruit juice. and stencil t-shirts. fuck. why does this have to happen just before i leave?


Anonymous said...

Because that is the way of things. Love wouldn't be any fun if it were easy.


Anonymous said...

We are encountering turbulence. Hey, no email responses in my mailbox. Di-chan - give us a shout and type the whole sordid JPA story when you get some time. I promise to laugh cry & empathize.

Or, better yet, chat in Vancouver over pints. Bourbon's gone to shit (shootings and long lineups, I'm told) but never fear. I'll be in Van Friday to look for a place with Kory & another dude.

I'm real curious about your quasi-BF and assorted romps & romances. Looking forward to details.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, sister! The exact same thing happened to me 4 years ago-met someone amazing with only 2 weeks to go in Japan. Sooo muzukashii! It still hurts to think about it yo. Life isn't fair sometimes.
