
not-so white xmas

so, i know it's NOT christmas yet. but our inaugural drive around Candy Cane Lane as well as our start of the advent calendar chocolate-a-thon has sealed the deal. the boxes for shipping gifts are out on the floor and the table is piled both with unwrapped gifts that need homes, fliers for more gifts, and a random assortment of small boxes. i rounded it off with a work dinner at the legion (i LOVE the legion) and a trip to the library with my sweetie who i feel like i never see anymore. i was able to snag some excellent books including two gossip girl texts (i thought, if i love the show i might like the books?), a biography of santa clause (!!), the moosewood restaurant cooks at home book, lotta prints, getting started knitting socks, and i <3 felt: 33 eye popping projects for the inspired knitter. as well as some cool dvds and the juno soundtrack. i can't get over how much i love love love our local library here in prince. not only does it have this incredible modernist design but the librarians are just *the best*. the knitting section is awesome and the teen book section is very pro-active and up to date and thorough. they've also got this incredible collection of graphic novels and a "youth cd" section with things like modest mouse in it.

work has been incredibly stressful lately and i don't really want to share but i feel like i need to say that right now i'm experiencing a personal sense of loss-of-life and have no energy, am underslept, unsure about everything, and exhausted all the time. i don't like it what so ever.

well, must go. i'd like to finish my tam tonight. more soon! this week proves to be a good un. xo

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