
Task #101

Well, I've been working my body well lately. I won't say I've been watching what I've been eating because that's just not true, but I've been going to the YMCA a lot and have a five-workout week in the works. It's funny because not being on facebook means I have more time for myself, but I'm still social, just not as harried social, which is good, actually. So, my workout plan to date is Monday - Fusion, Tuesday - Walk outside or run inside, Wednesday - off, Thursday - Rollerderby, Friday/or/Saturday - Run inside and weight training, Sunday - run inside.

I feel awesome and have been eating lots. and taking lots of supplements. I'm not sure how to define, "healthy as possible" but I feel pretty awesome. I think that being "healthy as possible" would mean not living here with the air-quality attack to the lungs, though. hm.

I'm waiting for stewart to get home from work so we can have a mini-greek feast (chicken, potatoes, salad, yoghurt) and watch gilmore girls and get cozy on the couch. Maybe some knitting will happen! I feel like I haven't knitted that much lately?? Anyway, off to check the stove!


1 comment:

Melissa said...

i love you!

I did pretty good today with the eating except for the part of the huge yummy ice cream cone. :)