
"i sit and wonder of all the loves that couldve been"

miyauchi natsu matsuri
this kid kept harrassing martin and i. so what did i do? i threw a bucket of water in her face. japan is amazing!

yo! just b/c im fat doesnt mean that my favourite hobby is eating! i dont eat nearly enough as i should! why is it always a fucking issue?!

today it rained. its so nice and green outside. and the cicadas are buzzing so loudly my head feels like it is going to implode. i had a dream last night that my grandfather was put on placebo heart medication, without his consent, and then his blood clotted and he had another heart attack. yikes. im WAY behind on my blog reading and i dont have the energy to keep up. im going to kyoto in 12 days! oh yes! this weekend i slept a lot! it was so nice. to come home from walking around miyauchi in the heat and throwing BUCKETS of water on people (they call it tradition!) and then i slept for two hours. like a rock! (sung like the chevy commercial...) im feeling really energetic and strung out, but all i want to do is sleep. im resigning myself to the fact that i aint gonna get no booty before i leave. which is kind of upsetting, really. but, keep my chin high, forget about the booty, and maybe booty will arrive. all over the map i am. this morning i was interviewed for the yamagata evening paper. and they took pictures of me which werent bad, but come on! let me control my public image! last night this kid threw up at the ramen shop. im happy i missed the action, but got to see the clean up action afterwards. tonight we're having a sushi party at marie-sensei's sakeya. very exciting. get my maki-groove on. on sunday i went into yamagata and perused shimamura with bec! be proud of me! i put down cool shirts and the coolest fucking silver bag i have ever seen (and it was only 1500yen!!!) that is what i call restraint! (but, i did end up buying a beautiful pair of bright blue puma flip flops. but, hey! i needed flip flops!!) im in love with death cab for cutie right now. and im stoked that my blog is becomming a message board for ppl to stay in touch. haha. and kids, my daddio is picking me up from the airport! so, well, lets do lunch at the whip or cafe deux soleils that afternoooooooon! what do you say? love love. xoxo.


Anonymous said...

What with the eating comment? Was someone bitching at you about food intake or something? Oh, and you should scan and post the article from the Yamagata evening paper, I'd love to see it.

Love love love,

Anonymous said...

Someone's a bagaholic. :P