
"smile like you mean it"

ou line
heading south on the ou line, yesterday.

today it is really beautiful outside. its breezy and the sun is shining, clouds are littering the sky, and birds are chirping from the powerlines, the neighbour's roof, and often my veranda. it feels so rural and un-city like, though i can hear the cars just across the way on the main street. often reving up at the intersection. the banner for the ocha shop is wiggling in the wind. and im behind on my work, but i feel incredible.

this morning i celebrated feeling awesome and overcoming a powerless dream (i hate having control wrenched away from me in my sleep. no wonder i dont sleep in public) by having a splendid breakfast of vegan banana pancakes and shit loads of ice coffee. my mail package came from canada today littered with cds (hot hot heat's elevator, the killers' hot fuss, moby's hotel, and beck's guero) and my mail (ie. "your student loan is currently in arears" and "please define your marital status, us here at the g.s.t. credit branch and tax-idiots are unable to understand that you left your partner over 7 months ago and that no matter how many times you send us in letters and forms signed with information, by both of you, stating the exact date of your separation, we still cant figure it out! nor have we realized that you have sent us back cheques issued for the two of you, and really, we know you'd like that money..but we're stupid remember?") but no magazines! that means that my subscriptions to strut and b.c. studies have lapsed and i will have to renew when i get back. i sure as hell hope that i can buy back issues of strut.

im back to the just wanting sex stage. and im not sure if that's a good place to be.

1 comment:

Odge said...

That is a great photo you have there.