
"im in love, now what's that song?"


presently i have my suitcase out and all of the books, papers, and magazines im bringing home sprawled all over the floor. there is so a typhoon inside their entry way. as bec said, "this wont be like this when i get home will it?" nope. im constantly cycling through the ups and downs. today im excited about dancing at celebrities on the twentieth. i still dont have my plane ticket booked. but im relaxed. presently im heading into my fifth day of partying and drinking (not that much, mom!) last night we went to rough roll and got pretty blitzed and then wandered back to ekimaedori where we went to this little shop and had gyudon and miso and daikon no sarada. oishikattadayo! must. keep. packing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, that picture stuff is great.