
TBT 6-90

This morning I decided that while Stewart was at work I would round Seth up, pack a bit of a day bag, and head out over the Hump to the East Side. My original plan was to go to Parksville and let Seth run around on the beach, go to the health food store, and come home. I timed his nap with our Drive, but he ended up falling asleep only 20 minutes out of Parksville. And when we got to Parksville the tide was in AND it was pouring. So I kept driving thinking, MMM, we'll go to fanny bay and get fried oysters and fries and wait the rain out. But I just kept driving all the way to Miracle Beach. We ran around on the beach for an hour. It was awesome.

What I Ate Today:
Spinach salad with seeds/hemp hearts, tomato, and six minute eggs
Soy Matcha Latte w/ half sweet peppermint (I'm getting there!)
Seth and I shared plain lightly salted chips, vegan popcorn, and sweet potato chips. ROAD FOOD.
Orange Juice
TBT approved and Vegan tart and macaroon. SO GOOD. (the "creme" was made with avocado, cocoa, and agave!!!)
tacos with lots of yum
some limeade w/ soda tbt approved

Ab workout

1 comment:

Mountain Girl said...

Sounds like a lovely day out with the little man. Need to hear more about that tart and macaroon...