
TBT 17-90

We have a kid sick at home and I'm exhausted from disrupted nights of fevers and crankiness. Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do and having to miss work. So, I'm like immobilized and can't really do anything. It truly sucks. Had to cancel my hair appointment for the ombre because I didn't want to infect Jenna's family (her salon is in her home). I'm not sick, but adults are contagious carriers for like 10 days. It's brutal.

Hoping to get out for a work out tonight, not sure what that will look like. Might just go pay drop in at the gym and use the elliptical for 30 minutes and then do an ab workout or something. Stewart's aunt is going to pass onto us her elliptical. Looking forward to grabbing it towards the end of the month. Note: I didn't end up going out. It's 9pm now, the time I would've gone out but there are NO OPEN GYMS in this community after 9pm. It's kind of a nightmare. To boot, I'm tired and worried I am getting sick. Am about to hit the hay...

Today ended up being my cheat day, not on purpose, but because I can never seem to turn down Salmon, especially half smoked !! All the salmon was surrounded by white bready things! That was gross, the salmon however, was delicious.

What I Ate Today:
500 ml blackberry, blueberry, almond milk smoothie with choc hemp protein powder and matcha
Salmon and veggie pinwheels (3)
1 small new potato, with cream cheese and half smoked salmon
grapes, lots of grapes
2 pieces veggie pepperoni pizza, no cheeze
egg and spinach sandwich on a ww bun
popcorn with nooch, salt, and earth balance
water water water
apple with peanutbutter and coconut yoghurt

I exercised my right to sleep.

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